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Armor Upgrades

A list of available Living Armour Upgrades.


Wrince also made a separate little spreadsheet for planning out living armour upgrades. This sheet contains details on the costs and benefits of each level of upgrade. Details for exact costs, level caps, etc, might be changed by your modpack, so check your manual to be certain!

Body Builder

Effect: Grants Knockback Resistance and bonus Health.

Caps out at 100% Resistance and 10 half-hearts of health.

Trained by: Eating food.

Maximum level: 5

Charging Strike

Effect: Increases damage and knockback from sprinting attacks, up to +50%.

Trained by: Dealing damage while sprinting.

Maximum level: 5


Adds Living Armour Socket Curios Slots to the player that are able to hold compatible Blood Magic items.

This upgrade can't be trained, only crafted. By default, each Upgrade Tome adds one additional slot.


Maximum level: 5

Dwarven Might

Effect: Increases mining speed while mining identical blocks. After a certain level, gives a Haste buff after breaking blocks.

Trained by: Mining.

Maximum level: 10


Adds an Elytra to your Living Armour. Rather than being trained, the Upgrade Tome must be crafted.

This Elytra does drain durability from the Chestplate, but at half the speed of a normal Elytra.

It also looks pretty neat.


Level 1: 15 upgrade points


Effect: Increases XP drops from killing mobs, up to 150%.

Trained by: Collecting XP.

Maximum level: 10

Gift Of Ignis

Effect: Provides Fire Resistance. Higher levels last longer and recharge faster.

Trained by: Being on Fire. (Potions of Fire Resistance may be your friend here.)

Maximum level: 5


Effect: Grants additional health, up to 50 half-hearts.

Trained by: Restoring health (Ordinary healing, or via Potions of Healing or Potions of Regeneration.)

Maximum level: 10

Pin Cushion

Effect: Offers protection from arrows.

Trained by: Being shot.

Maximum level: 10

Poison Resistance

Effect: Cures Poison. Has a cooldown which shortens with additional levels.

Trained by: Being Poisoned.

Maximum level: 5

Quick Feet

Effect: Increases player movement speed up to 150%.

Trained by: Running around.

Maximum level: 10

Soft Fall

Effect: Reduces fall damage, up to complete immunity.

Trained by: Getting hurt from falls.

Maximum level: 5

Strong Legs

Effect: Increases jump height and reduces fall damage, up to a maximum of an additional 7.5 blocks and 83% fall resistance. Can be negated by sneaking while jumping.

Trained by: Jumping around.

Maximum level: 10


Effect: Protects you from non-projectile harm.

Trained by: Taking damage from anything but projectiles.

Maximum level: 10

Tough Palms

Effect: Grants a bonus to Self Sacrifice, up to an additional 150%.

Trained by: Sacrificing Blood with the Sacrificial Knife.

Maximum level: 10


Effect: Repairs a random piece of worn armour every 100 ticks.

Trained by: Repairing your chestplate (in an anvil, with the repair enchantment, etc).

Maximum level: 1


Effect: Improves your armour defence. Caps out at +5 Armour and +8 Toughness

Trained by: Crafting a living tome in the Alchemy Table.

Maximum level: 5