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Armor Downgrades

Storm Trooper

Effect: Makes you wildly inaccurate when shooting bows and crossbows.

Caps out at a 20% accuracy penalty.

Crafted with: Arrow

Maximum level: 5

Battle Hungry

Effect: Gives you hunger if you haven't attacked something recently. Higher levels give you a shorter cooldown window and make the hunger worse

Caps out at 0.1 points of exhaustion if you haven't been in combat for 400 seconds,.

Crafted with: Rotten Flesh

Maximum level: 5


Effect: Prevents you from drinking any potions whilst wearing the armour

Crafted with: Glass Bottle

Maximum level: 1

Dulled Blade

Effect: Reduces your melee damage.

Caps out at an 80% reduction to damage dealt.

Crafted with: Stone Sword

Maximum level: 10

Leadened Pick

Effect: Reduces your dig speed.

Caps out at an 80% reduction.

Crafted with: Stone Pickaxe

Maximum level: 10


Effect: Reduces the effectiveness of all healing sources.

Caps out at 80%, so a source that would normally heal 10 hearts will only heal 2.

Crafted with: Ghast Tear

Maximum level: 10

Crippled Arm

Effect: Prevents you from using your offhand item. This includes placing torches, raising your shield, etc.

Crafted with: Shield

Maximum level: 1

Limp Leg

Effect: Reduces your movement speed significantly

Caps out at 70% speed reduction.

Crafted with: Soul Sand

Maximum level: 10

Concrete Shoes

Effect: Reduces your swim speed significantly.

Caps out at an 80% reduction.

Crafted with: Water Bucket

Maximum level: 10