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Living Equipment

With some Arcane Ashes and a handful of this new Binding Reagent, a whole world of defence and utility has opened up before you. For a list of all upgrades, see Armour Upgrades.

Living Basics

To create Living Equipment, you will first need Iron Armor (or Iron Armour, if you prefer), some Arcane Ash, and some Binding Reagent. You'll also need at least a Common Tartaric Gem in order to hold the Demon Will required.


It clings to me tightly...

Living Equipment is equivalent in durability to Diamond Armour, and can be repaired in an Anvil with more Binding Reagent. As with any other Alchemy Array, right-click while looking at a block with the Arcane Ashes in hand, then apply the Binding Reagent. Then place in your Iron Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Iron Leggings or Iron Boots, stand back, and watch the show.

Living Equipment starts off equivalent to Iron, but it has Upgrade Points that can, with care, be spent to train it in specific ways. It starts with 100, but there may be ways to surpass this limitation…


It's alive, all right... and it's learning from you. You'd best be careful what you teach it. You can keep a closer eye on what it's learned so far by holding shift when you look at it.

Upgrade Tomes

Upon activating the Sound of the Cleansing Soul, a series of magical Tomes will manifest around you.

By right-clicking whilst holding one of these, you can 'teach' your chestplate one level of this skill (Assuming it has enough spare points to learn it). Sneaking and right-clicking will instead consume as much XP from the tome as possible. Doing so will consume the Tome and apply all EXP from it to your chestplate - unless there are not enough Upgrade Points available.

In this case, the Tome will apply as much EXP as it can and store the remainder - unless there's less than 1 level's worth left, in which case the Tome will be destroyed. This is an excellent way to focus training on abilities you wish to see more of, whilst conveniently forgetting ones you find less useful.

Alternately, you can teach different chestplates different skills, so you can have one chestplate for mining, one for combat, and yet another for exploration, for example."

Living Equipment Upgrades

While wearing this new armour, you have felt it growing, trying to assist you with various tasks it has seen you perform. It seems to be able to perform in a number of areas, but its growth is limited, and trying to do everything at once is quite fruitless.

Perhaps multiple specialised sets may be a good idea? Of course, you'll have to train it carefully if you want more than a smattering of poorly-directed benefits. Fortunately, you have devised a Ritual that will assist with training, and another one that will imbue your armour with a greater ability to grow.

Training Bracelet

This new equipment is an incredible help, but its undirected growth can sometimes be... frustrating. To this end, you have devised a form of Training Bracelet to assist you in your endeavours. Once crafted, a simple right-click will activate its menu and allow you to specify which abilities to focus your attention on... or which ones to avoid.



The Training Bracelet's Menu - it can keep track of up to 16 different upgrades at once.

The bracelet can specify a limit for any given upgrade (assuming you have a copy of the Tome to hand). For example, you could tell it to limit Strong Legs to level 3 - once you reach this level, Strong Legs will no longer gain experience. It can also prevent or allow the training of all other skills that you haven't otherwise specified. If you want to allow all upgrades except one, you can add that one to the bracelet in 'allow others' mode and set its level cap to 0.