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Throwing Daggers

Bows and Crossbows are fine enough in their way, but sifting through Gravel for Flint and plucking chickens for their Feathers is, frankly, beneath you. These shiny (and extremely sharp) Throwing Daggers also have some quite devious effects, if you do say so yourself.

Iron Throwing Dagger


The Iron Throwing Dagger is a fast-hitting attack, dealing 10 damage with a decent cooldown. Not only that, but if you have some Demon Will on you (be it in its raw form, or stored within a Tartaric Gem, it will drop Will as a Sentient Sword would.

Syringe Throwing Dagger


The Syringe Throwing Dagger is for the Sanguimancer more interested in the acquisition of Life Essence than Will. While it deals slightly less damage, it is noticeably cheaper, and enemies killed by this weapon have a chance of dropping a Slate Ampoule - or more, if they're hearty enough.

Slate Ampoule


These delightful little vials can be crushed when near a Blood Altar in order to transfer 500 LP into it, destroying the Ampoule in the process. These gains are unaffected by any Runes you may have.

Amethyst Throwing Dagger


The Amethyst Throwing Dagger does as much damage as an Iron Throwing Dagger, but mobs do not drop Will when killed. Instead, eight of them can be crafted with a Lingering Alchemy Flask in the Alchemical Reaction Chamber to create Tipped Amethyst Throwing Daggers.

Tipped Amethyst Throwing Daggers


These will transmit their effect to any mob they hit, the same as if they'd walked into the cloud left by a Lingering Alchemy Flask. Experiment with combined effects to find the most debilitating, diabolical daggers you can make!