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Sentient Tools

Sentient Sword

The Sentient Sword is a much more effective tool for collecting Demon Will than Soul Snares could ever hope to be. It may seem weak at first, but it is powered by the Wills you carry, so crafting a Tartaric Gem is a must.

Note that the sword, as with all Sentient Tools, can be repaired with Crystallized Will in an Anvil.


This sword will serve you well.

Note that you can update the sword's stats by right clicking when you have it equipped - if you have recently acquired a large amount of Will, or perhaps are trying out a new Aspect of Will for the first time, then this may be a good idea."

The Sentient Sword has proven to be a resounding success. You find yourself wondering how other tools may react to a similar treatment...

Note that these tools, as with the Sentient Sword, can be repaired with Crystallized Will in an Anvil.

Did we mention that Sentient Tools and Weapons are all highly enchantable?

Sentient Pickaxe


This pickaxe improves with Will, cutting through stone with ease. With no Will to power it, it is only slightly better than the Iron Pickaxe it was crafted from; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it surpassing even a Netherite Pickaxe.

Sentient Scythe

The Sentient Scythe is a slightly different tool to its iron counterpart. Infusing it with Will has transmuted it into a fearsome weapon. While slow and not as powerful as the other weapons, it’s great swings will deal full damage to all enemies in its range, making it an excellent choice for crowd control.


As with the pickaxe, with no Will to power your scythe, it is comparatively blunt and unwieldy; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it becoming a devastating tool.

Did we mention that it still functions as a hoe?

Sentient Axe

Much like the Sentient Pickaxe, the Sentient Axe is a noticeable improvement over its Iron counterpart. Additionally, it gets a significant buff in its damage output, making it a fearsome weapon for those who don't mind its unwieldy nature.


As with the pickaxe, with no Will to power your axe, it is only slightly better than the Iron Axe it was crafted from; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it surpassing even a Netherite Axe.

Sentient Shovel

Much like the Sentient Pickaxe, the Sentient Shovel is a noticeable improvement over its Iron counterpart, even without additional Demon Will to power it.


As with the pickaxe, with no Will to power your shovel, it is only slightly better than the Iron shovel it was crafted from; However, with a full enough Tartaric Gem, you foresee it surpassing even a Netherite Shovel.