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List of Rituals

Some simpler Rituals will be available to you when you have a Tier III Blood Altar, but the more advanced ones will require Dusk Runes, and thus a Tier IV Altar.

Use a Ritual Diviner to assemble the rituals, an Activation Crystal to activate them, and a Ritual Tinkerer to fine-tune them. Don't forget to keep your Soul Network topped off!

Call of the Zephyr

Picks up items within its range and places them into the linked chest.

Air runes: 12

Total runes: 12

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 1000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 1 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


Items within this range will be sucked into the linked chest.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 10


The location of the inventory that the ritual will place the picked up items into.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Crack of the Fractured Crystal

Breaks Demon Will Crystal Clusters of all aspects within its range, dropping the results on top of the crystals.

Fire Runes: 20

Earth Runes: 8

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 12

Total runes: 44

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 40000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 50 LP

Base Interval: 25 Ticks


All Demon Will Crystal Clusters have a single crystal broken off, spawning the crystal into the world. If there is only one crystal on the cluster, it will not break it.

Max Volume: 250

Horizontal Radius: 5

Vertical Radius: 7

Crash of the Timberman

A standard tree-cutting machine, this ritual will cut down all trees and leaves within its area and collect the drops.

Earth Runes: 8

Total runes: 8

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 20000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 10 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


The range that the ritual will search out logs and leaves in order to cut down.

Max Volume: 1400

Horizontal Radius: 15

Vertical Radius: 30


The location of the inventory that the ritual will place the results into.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Dawn of the New Moon

Cracks open the ground, transporting a spheroid from the ground into the air. The shape extracted will be a spheroid of the designated size.

Fire Runes: 3

Earth Runes: 8

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 1

Total runes: 16

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 20000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 10 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


The range that the ritual will extract blocks from. The blocks are placed on the vertical opposite side of the Master Ritual Stone.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 32

Vertical Radius: 70

Default Size

Image Image

The result of using the ritual with the default settings.

Domain of the Filler

Grabs blocks that are inside of the connected inventory and places them into the world.

Water runes: 8

Earth Runes: 4

Total runes: 12

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 5000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 50 LP

Base Interval: 15 Tick


The range that the ritual will place its blocks in.

Max Volume: 300

Horizontal Radius: 7

Vertical Radius: 7


The location of the inventory that the ritual will grab blocks from to place in the world.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Edge of the Hidden Realm

Summons an Inversion pillar, the entrance to a

Demon Dungeon.

Water runes: 6

Fire Runes: 10

Earth Runes: 16

Air runes: 4

Total runes: 36

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 80,000 LP

Focus of the Ellipsoid

Creates a hollow spheroid around the ritual using the blocks in the attached chest.

Water runes: 8

Fire Runes: 8

Earth Runes: 8

Air runes: 8

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 36

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 20000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 10 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick

This ritual is purely aesthetic in nature, designed for the budding, yet lazy, builder that resides in all of us. It’s particularly good for building complicated shapes, such as the mighty gold dome above your Evil Lair. … You do have one of those, right?


The location of the inventory that the ritual will grab blocks from to place in the world.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3


The range that the ritual will place its blocks in. Note that the spheroid is centred on the ritual - if one side is shorter than the side opposite, the spheroid will be truncated.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 32

Vertical Radius: 32

Gathering of the Forsaken Souls

Applies Will catalysts to crystals within range from the attached inventory.

Fire Runes: 20

Earth Runes: 16

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 44

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 40000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 2 LP

Base Interval: 25 Tick


Will Crystals in this range have Catalysts applied to them to increase growth speed.

Max Volume: 250

Horizontal Radius: 5

Vertical Radius: 7


Chest for Catalyst items.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Mark of the Falling Tower

Consumes an item inside of its item range to summon a meteor full of resources from the sky, aimed directly at the ritual.

Water runes: 16

Fire Runes: 24

Earth Runes: 24

Air runes: 32

Dusk Runes: 12

Total runes: 108

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 250000 LP

Using the vast powers at your disposal, the most conclusion is that it is a good idea to summon a meteor from outer space to crash upon the world.

By dropping an appropriate offering on top of the MRS, the ritual will consume the item (plus a large amount of LP, default of a million LP) and summon a meteor at the build height of the map. Once the meteor hits something, it will detonate and leave behind many resources to mine and process.

The size and resources gained vary based on the offering given. Normal offerings include: Diamond, Block of Iron, Glowstone Dust, and Stone.

Mod items include: Dragon Bones (Ice and Fire), Certus Quartz (AE2), Andesite Alloy (Create), Copper Wire Coil (Immersive Engineering), Prosperity Shard (Mystical Agriculture), RF Coil (Thermal), and Advanced Alloy (Mekanism).

[For a full list of sacrificial items, LP costs, and expected resources, see our github. Note the existence of meteors for other mods, such as Mekanism or Ice and Fire.]

Pathway to the Endless Realm

Summons an Inversion Pillar to go deeper into the Demon Realm.

Water Runes: 5

Fire Runes: 5

Earth Runes: 10

Air runes: 18

Dusk Runes: 31

Total runes: 69

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 150000 LP

Beware! The Demon Realm is highly dangerous. Come Prepared.

Penance of the Leaden Soul

Consumes items from a linked chest to forcefully downgrade worn armour. [be sure to remove your Training Bracelet!]

Blank Runes: 2

Fire Runes: 15

Earth Runes: 18

Air runes: 16

Dusk Runes: 2

Total runes: 53

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 10000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 10 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick

This ritual consumes excess Upgrade Points (in the form of Tomes, Scraps, and Synthetic Upgrade Points) in order to apply Downgrades to your Living Armour. These downgrades will harshly limit your abilities, but will provide you with a wealth of additional Upgrade Points to play around with, allowing for much more specialisation than was previously available to you.


If you do not have enough points available to you, you can craft Synthetic Upgrade Points. Each one of these is worth a single Upgrade Point.

To use the ritual, simply place your tomes (or other sources of Upgrade Points) and the required Item(s) for the particular downgrade you have in mind into the attached chest (see the previous page), while wearing your Living Armour. The ritual will consume the points and apply the downgrade to your armour. The order of consumption is: Living Armour Upgrade Scraps, then Living Armour Upgrade Tomes, and finally Synthetic Upgrade Points.

Excess points will be returned in the form of Living Armour Upgrade Scraps.

The downgrades applied to your armour depends on what Item(s) you place in the chest. Each item that matches a particular downgrade will increase the desired downgrade's level by one. In this manner, multiple downgrades can be applied at once with a single ritual activation.

The ritual will respect any settings you have configured on your Living Armour Training Bracelet, so if you have it set to 'do not allow other upgrades' then the ritual will fail to apply the downgrades to you. If in doubt, put your Training Bracelet away!

Reap of the Harvest Moon

Harvests plants within its range, dropping the results on the ground.

Water runes: 8

Earth Runes: 12

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 24

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 20,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 20 LP

Base Interval: 5 Ticks


Plants within this range will be harvested.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 15

Vertical Radius: 15

Resonance of the Faceted Crystal

Breaks apart a well-grown Raw Crystal Cluster into separately Aspected Crystal Clusters.

Blank Runes: 4

Water runes: 1

Fire Runes: 1

Earth Runes: 1

Air runes: 1

Dusk Runes: 12

Total runes: 20

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 20,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 1,000 LP

Base Interval: 20 Ticks

This ritual takes a well grown (At least 5 spires) Raw Crystal Cluster located 2 blocks above the Master Ritual Stone, and splits it into new single spires of each Aspected Will Crystal Clusters located directly above the 4 elemental Ritual Stones. This spacing is designed to accommodate a Demon Crystallizer on top of the Master Ritual Stone.

For more information on growing Demon Will Crystals, please see Crystallized Will.


Recommended setup for the Resonance of the Faceted Crystal Ritual.

Reverence of the Condor

Provides flight in an area around the ritual.

Blank runes: 8

Water runes: 8

Fire Runes: 16

Earth Runes: 48

Air runes: 12

Dusk Runes: 8

Total runes: 100

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 1000000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 5 LP

Base Interval: 10 Ticks


Players within this range will receive a Flight buff.

Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 100

Vertical Radius: 200

Rhythm of the Beating Anvil

Crafts items based on the linked Item Filter using the connected Input inventory.

Water runes: 1

Fire Runes: 12

Earth Runes: 11

Dusk Runes: 1

Total runes: 25

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 15000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 10 LP

Base Interval: 4 Ticks

The Rythm of the Beating Anvil is a powerful and versatile ritual, allowing you to autocraft standard crafting recipes alongside recipes using your Alchemy Table or Hellfire Forge (If properly augmented). However, it can be a little complex, so what follows is a tutorial for setting it up.

Each ritual can handle exactly one recipe.

First off, we need to specify the recipe that we want the ritual to craft. This is done using an Item Filter.

Multiple types of Item Filter can be used, however the ritual will only ever accept one filter at a time; any additional filters will be ignored.

The following filters are accepted:

  • Standard Item Filter: specifies exactly which item to use in each slot.
  • Tag Item Filter: Uses Tags to specify what items to use. E.G. If a recipe requires any kind of stone (but will work with andesite, granite, etc), you can use forge:stone in the filter.
  • Mod Item Filter: This will try to use any item from the same mod in this slot.

Sample Filter


A Standard Item Filter configured to autocraft Stone Pickaxes.

Next, the Item Filter has to be placed on the ritual. In this image we've used an Item Frame, however a chest can be used instead. Note that if you put multiple filters in the chest, only the first one will be used.

By default, the Input chest and Output chest are in the same place; however, this can be changed with the Ritual Tinkerer. This can be useful for recipes that re-use some components, such as your Blood Orb.

The Placed Filter


A filter and chest in normal locations, and a Tinkered ritual with separate input and output chests.

If you supply the ritual with Steadfast or Corrosive Will, then the ritual will instead try to autocraft with a linked Hellfire Forge or Alchemy Table, respectively. These recipes are all shapeless, but if you need 2 of an item, you'll have to specify it twice in the filter.

Alchemy Filter


A filter configured for the crafting of Simple Catalysts.

Input Filter

Item Frame / Chest: uses Item Filter to determine the shape of recipe and selected items.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 7

Vertical Radius: 7

Supports Standard, Tag, and Mod Item Filters.


Chest: items for crafting are taken from this inventory.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 7

Vertical Radius: 7


Chest: Crafted items are inserted into the selected inventory, or spawned into the world if no inventory is present here.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 7

Vertical Radius: 7

Output Filter

Chest/item frame: if present, selects from possible outputs based on a Filter, and crafts until the selected amount is in the output inventory.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 7

Vertical Radius: 7

Supports Standard, Tag, and Mod Item Filters.


Inserts and extracts items from the connected Hellfire Forge or Alchemy Table.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 7

Vertical Radius: 7


Ritual will instead craft using the linked Hellfire Forge.


Ritual will instead craft using the linked Alchemy Table

Ritual of Living Evolution

Increases the maximum amount of points on your Living Armour to 300.

Fire Runes: 12

Earth Runes: 24

Dusk Runes: 12

Total runes: 48

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 50,000 LP

Stand on the Master Ritual Stone while wearing Living Armour to use this ritual.

Ritual of Magnetism

Pulls up ores from the ground and puts them in its placement range.

Fire Runes: 4

Earth Runes: 8

Air runes: 4

Total runes: 16

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 5,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 50 LP

Base Interval: 40 Ticks

By default, the Ritual of Magnetism searches down to bedrock in a radius of 3 blocks out from the Master Ritual Stone for ores to collect. This can be augmented by placing an expensive block directly underneath the MRS, as follows:

  • Block of Iron: 7 blocks
  • Block of Gold: 15 blocks
  • Block of Diamond: 31 blocks


The area that the ritual will place the grabbed ores into.

Max Volume: 50

Horizontal Radius: 4

Vertical Radius: 4

Ritual of Regeneration

Casts Regeneration on entities within its range if they are missing health.

Water runes: 8

Fire Runes: 6

Earth Runes: 20

Air runes: 6

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 44

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 25,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 100 LP

Base Interval: 50 Ticks


When augmented with Corrosive will, this ritual will steal health from non-players inside its ‘vampirism’ range and use that to directly heal players.


Entities within this range will receive a regeneration buff.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 20

Vertical Radius: 20


Mobs within this range will have their health siphoned off to heal players in the Healing range.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 20

Vertical Radius: 20

Requires Corrosive Will.

Ritual of Speed

Launches players within its range in the direction of the ritual.

Air runes: 8

Dusk Runes: 1

Total runes: 9

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 1000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 5 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


Increases the velocity caused by the ritual based on total Will.


Further increases horizontal velocity based on total Will.


Prevents adult mobs and players from being transported. Players are transported if paired with Destructive.


Prevents child mobs and players from being transported. Players are transported if paired with Vengeful.


Applies Soft Fall to mobs and players when transported, preventing fall damage.


All entities within this area are launched in the direction of the arrow formed by the ritual.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 4

Vertical Radius: 5


The range that the ritual will place its blocks in. Note that the spheroid is centred on the ritual - if one side is shorter than the side opposite, the spheroid will be truncated.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 32

Vertical Radius: 32

Ritual of the Crusher

Breaks blocks within its crushing range and places the items into the linked chest.

Fire Runes: 4

Earth Runes: 4

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 16

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 5,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 7 LP

Base Interval: 40 Ticks


Increases the speed of the ritual based on the amount of Raw Will in the aura.


All blocks are broken to be processed with a form of Cutting Fluid. Overrides Silk Touch where applicable.


Compresses the inventory on successful operation. Currently only does one compression per operation. For example, it will turn Coal into Blocks of Coal, Redstone Dust into Blocks of Redstone, etc.


Blocks are broken down forcefully: all blocks broken are affected by Fortune III.


Causes all blocks that are broken to be picked up with Silk Touch. Overrides Fortune where applicable.


The location of the inventory that the ritual will place the broken blocks into.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3


The blocks that the ritual will break.

Max Volume: 50

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 10

Ritual of the Feathered Knife

Drains health from nearby players and puts the LP into a nearby Blood Altar. LP gains are affected by Runes of Self Sacrifice and Tough Palms.

Water runes: 4

Fire Runes: 8

Earth Runes: 16

Air runes: 8

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 40

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 25,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 20 LP

Base Interval: 20 Ticks


Increases the speed of the ritual based on the amount of Raw Will in the aura.


Uses the player’s current Incense Bonus (if any) to increase the yield. Stand near an Incense Altar to maintain this bonus.


Sets the minimum health for sacrificing to 10%. Overriden by Steadfast if the Owner is active.


Increases the yield of the ritual based on the amount of Destructive Will in the aura.


Sets the minimum health for sacrificing from 30% to 70%.


This range defines the area that the ritual searches for the Blood Altar.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 15


This defines where the ritual will damage a player. Players inside of this range will receive damage over time up to the specified limit.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 25

Vertical Radius: 15

Ritual of the Full Spring

Generates a source of water from the Master Ritual Stone.

Water runes: 4

Total runes: 4

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 500 LP

Base Usage Cost: 25 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


The area within which the ritual will place water source blocks.

Max Volume: 9

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Ritual of the Green Grove

Grows crops within its area.

Water runes: 4

Earth Runes: 4

Total runes: 8

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 5,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 20 LP

Base Interval: 20 Ticks


Increases the speed of all ritual operations based on the amount of Raw Will in the aura.


Entities within range are attacked by nearby plants, leeching away their life to feed their own growth.


Increases the rate that a growth tick is successful.


Increases the maximum growth range of the ritual based on the amount of Destructive Will in the aura.


Seeds are replanted and blocks are hydrated within the Hydration range.


The area that the ritual will grow plants in.

Max Volume: 81

Horizontal Radius: 4

Vertical Radius: 4

Steadfast Radius (Hydration)

Blocks within this range are rehydrated into farmland, and seeds within this area are planted nearby.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 15

Vertical Radius: 15

Corrosive Radius

Entities in this area have their life drained to grow nearby crops.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 15

Vertical Radius: 15

Ritual of the High Jump

Causes entities to leap up into the air.

Air runes: 12

Total runes: 12

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 5000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 5 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


Entities in this range will be launched in the air.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 5

Vertical Radius: 5


Overall height of descriptor controls jump height and cost.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 1

Vertical Radius: 100

Ritual of the Satiated Stomach

Takes food from the linked chest and fills the player's saturation with it.

Water runes: 4

Fire Runes: 4

Earth Runes: 8

Air runes: 12

Total runes: 28

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 100000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 100 LP

Base Interval: 20 Ticks


The range that the ritual will look at to feed players.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 25

Vertical Radius: 25


The location of the inventory that the ritual will grab food from to feed players in range.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Ritual of the Martyr [WOOT addon]

Uses a WOOT Factory within the Heart zone to provide mod damage to a nearby Blood Altar.

Water runes: 4

Fire Runes: 4

Earth Runes: 4

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 8

Total runes: 24

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 40,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 2 LP

Base Interval: 20 Ticks

This ritual draws LP from a fully formed WOOT factory and puts the harvested Blood into a nearby Blood Altar. Put a Blood Orb in the altar, maybe add a few Runes of Sacrifice for good measure and you’ll never have to worry about your LP supplies again… As long as you can supply enough Conatus Fluid.


This range devines the area in which the ritual will search for a Blood Altar.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 15

This ritual can only link to ONE altar at a time.


This range defines the area which the ritual will search for a WOOT factory heart.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 15

Vertical Radius: 15

Ritual of the Shepherd

Increases the maturity rate of baby animals within its range.

Water runes: 4

Earth Runes: 4

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 16

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 10,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 2 LP

Base Interval: 20 Ticks


Increases the speed of the ritual based on the amount of Raw Will in the aura.


Decreases the time it takes for adults to breed again.


Causes adults that have not bred lately to run at mobs and explode.


Automatically breeds adults within its area using items in the connected chest.


Animals within this range will grow much faster.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 7

Vertical Radius: 7


Chest for breeding items if properly augmented.

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Serenade of the Nether

Generates a source of Lava from the Master Ritual Stone.

Fire Runes: 4

Total runes: 4

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 10,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 500 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


Decreases the LP cost of placing lava and allows the lava to be directly placed into a tank or other fluid-handling block.


Entities within range that are immune to fire are damaged severely. Particularly useful against denizens of the nether.


Entities within range have Fire Fuse applied to them.

When the Debuff ends, they will do a wonderful impression of a firework.


Lava placement range is increased based on the amount of Destructive Will in the aura.


Players within this range have Fire Resistance applied to them.


The area within which the ritual will place lava source blocks.

Max Volume: 9

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3

Corrosive Radius

Entities within this range that are immune to fire damage are hurt proportionally to the amount of corrosive will in the aura.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 10

Vengeful Radius

Entities within this range are afflicted by Fire Fuse.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 10

Steadfast Radius

Players within this range will have Fire Resistance applied to them.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 10

Raw Radius

The location of the Tank that the ritual will place lava into

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 10

Sound of the Cleansing Soul

Removes all upgrades from your Living Armour and gives you the corresponding Upgrade Tomes. These Tomes can be used to re-apply them to your Living Armour.

Water runes: 8

Fire Runes: 12

Earth Runes: 20

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 4

Total Runes: 48

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 25,000 LP

The Sinner’s Burden

Increases gravity and prevents jumping.

Earth Runes: 8

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 12

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 5000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 1 LP

Base Interval: 1 Tick


Affects players.


Disables gravity. Behaves similarly to the Suspended effect.


Applies Levitation.


Applies Heavy Heart.


Affects Bosses. Doesn't affect bosses that are immune against motion change or immune against potions (except Wither and Ender Dragon).


Affects entities within range.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 200

Vertical Radius: 200

Well of Suffering

Attacks mobs within its damage zone and puts the resulting LP into a nearby Blood Altar.

Water runes: 16

Fire Runes: 8

Earth Runes: 4

Air runes: 4

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 36

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 40,000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 2 LP

Base Interval: 25 Ticks

This ritual attacks mobs within its damage zone and puts the harvested Blood into a nearby Blood Altar. Put a Blood Orb in the altar, maybe add a few Runes of Sacrifice for good measure and you’ll never have to worry about your LP supplies again… As long as you can supply enough mobs.


The area that the ritual searches for a Blood Altar to deposit its Blood into.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 10

Vertical Radius: 15

The ritual can only link to ONE altar at a time.


All mobs within this area will take damage every 25 ticks until they die. This does not include players, fortunately.

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 15

Vertical Radius: 15

Mobs will still drop non-player-kill mob drops.

Yawning of the Void

Destroys blocks within a large area.

Blank Runes: 4

Water runes: 16

Fire Runes: 20

Earth Runes: 12

Air runes: 8

Dusk Runes: 4

Total runes: 64

Weak Activation Crystal

Activation Cost: 5000 LP

Base Usage Cost: 10 LP

Base Interval: 10 Ticks


Increases the speed of the ritual based on the total amount of Raw Will in the Aura.


Destroys blocks that match the filter. Remaining are not destroyed.


Non-destroyed blocks are placed in separate region. If no filter applied, all blocks are moved.


Blocks within range are destroyed

Max Volume: Full Range

Horizontal Radius: 64

Vertical Radius: 32


Chooses the first Item Filter to determine which blocks to destroy

Max Volume: 1

Horizontal Radius: 3

Vertical Radius: 3


Based on Will config, blocks not destroyed are placed within range

Max Volume: 50

Horizontal Radius: 4

Vertical Radius: 4