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Rituals consume LP from your Soul Network in order to do a variety of tasks.

For information on specific rituals, see Ritual List.

Activation Crystals

Your rituals require more than simply the correct arrangement of blocks and Sigils. An effort of will is required to open a channel from your Soul Network to the ritual, and the Activation Crystal will allow you to focus yourself enough to activate your rituals.


Simply right click with a bound Activation Crystal on a Master Ritual Stone to activate the ritual it's part of - assuming it's suitably assembled, that is.

Getting Started

Once you have gotten your Blood Altar to Tier 3, you can delve into the wonderful world of Rituals.

For working with rituals, you will require the following:

  • An Activation Crystal. At tier 3 only the Weak Crystal is available.
  • A Master Ritual Stone. Every ritual requires exactly one of these at its centre.
  • Enough Ritual Stones to build the Ritual.
  • (Recommended) A Ritual Diviner. Although not required, it will make ritual construction significantly easier.

Building a ritual is relatively straightforward. Simply shift-right-click with the Ritual Diviner in hand until it displays the name of the desired ritual. Check the number of runes required by mousing over it in your inventory and holding shift.

Place down a Master Ritual Stone, and hold right-click on it with the diviner until all the stones have been placed and painted with the correct element. (or place and paint them by hand, if you are masochistic, a lunatic, or both.) Finally, right-click on the Master Ritual Stone with your Activation Crystal in hand. If you've done everything right, you should get a message saying 'A rush of energy flows through the ritual!'. The ritual is now active.

If this does not occur, a few things may have gone wrong. If you instead get text saying 'You feel a push, but are too weak to complete this ritual', then you do not have enough LP in your Soul Network to activate the ritual.

If the message reads 'You feel that these runes are not configured correctly...', then something has gone wrong in the placement of the runes. Check the area for any blockages and try assembling the ritual again.

Remember that some rituals extend several blocks above and below the Master Ritual Stone. If you get no error, ensure that the activation crystal is bound to your soul network - this can be accomplished by right-clicking while holding it.

It is important to note that the crystal does not have to be bound to YOUR network - if you can get a hold of another player's crystal, you can activate rituals using their LP. Guard yours well!

One last note; all rituals respond to a redstone signal, so sticking a lever on the side of the Master Ritual Stone is a good way to deactivate it. You can combine this knowledge with some of the information in Redstone and Automation to ensure your rituals shut down automatically long before your Soul Network runs dry.

Ritual Diviner

Crafting rituals is an intricate business; Even if you have the correct Inscription Tools, you can't just slap runic inscriptions down any old how and expect things to happen. Luckily, the Ritual Diviner is here to help.

Simply shift-right-click or shift-left-click while looking at empty air to cycle through the available rituals in either direction.


Holding down right-click while looking at a Master Ritual Stone will make the Diviner build the currently selected ritual out of any Ritual Stones you may be carrying. It's almost like magic!

The Ritual Diviner cannot break blocks however, so make sure the area is clear before you commence construction, or the Activation Crystal will be unable to do its job.

It's also worth noting that the base ritual diviner can only create some of the more basic rituals. If you want the most out of your diviner, you'll have to upgrade it with Dusk Inscription Tools.


Unlike the Elemental Inscription Tools, the Ritual Diviner and Ritual Diviner [Dusk] will never run out.

The base Ritual Diviner requires one of each Elemental Inscription Tool for its construction, and thus a tier 3 Blood Altar.

The four base Elemental Inscription Tools can be crafted in your Altar for 1,000 LP each, as defined on the following pages. The Ritual Diviner [Dusk] similarly requires a Tier 4 Altar to make two Dusk Elemental Inscription Tools, at a cost of 2,000 LP each.

You can also use these tools to inscribe runes by hand, but this should only seriously be used for decorative purposes, as it is both slow and inaccurate.




Ritual Stones

Ritual Stones are the canvas upon which you will draw your Rituals. They also look quite nifty, and can be manually painted with the various Elemental Inscription Tools.

Note that the Inscription Tools used to have durability, but now they last forever! Rejoice, you can decorate your base with Fire Ritual Stones to your heart's content.



Ritual Tinkerer

The Ritual Tinkerer is an essential tool for the advanced sanguimancer who is looking for all they can get out of their Rituals. It has three main modes, as described below. You can cycle between them by sneak-right-clicking.


  • Information: Describes the function of the Ritual, similar to the Ritual Diviner.
  • Set Will Consumed: Tells the Ritual which kinds of Demon Will (if any) to consume from the Aura. Specify this by carrying Demon Will Crystals in your hotbar, one for each type of will you wish the Ritual to consume. Further information about the effects of Demon Will upon Rituals can be found on each Ritual's respective page in this book.
  • Define Area: Specifies the zone that the Ritual should work in, and displays the current zone. If multiple zones can be specified, shift-right-clicking on the Master Ritual Stone will cycle through them. Some Rituals can be expanded far beyond their default areas, but keep in mind that this will increase the LP cost to match...