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Demon Will Aura

As we have established, Demonic Will coalesces around certain creatures and propels them with malevolent force. However, this is not the only place that Will can exist. By burning Will in a Demon Crucible, it is possible to unleash the will into the Aura, to great and fascinating effect.


Put a charged Tartaric Gem or any aspect of Demon Will or Demon Crystal into it and let it run. Crystals will be consumed once the chunk's Will dips below 50, wheras Demon Will (in item form or from the Tartaric Gem) will be consumed a bit at a time, as needed.


The Demon Crucible, with a Tartaric Gem inside it.

Now we have Raw Will in the atmosphere. Great, now what?

Some Rituals benefit from Raw Will, but the main benefit from this is the ability to create refined Demon Will Crystals and from there, split them into their Aspects.

Once you have some of these Aspected Will Crystals, you can burn them once more in the Crucible to unleash them into the Aura for your rituals to benefit from.

It's important to mention that the Aura is chunk-based. That is, any Will you burn will fill up the chunk that you burn it in, up to a total cap of 100 for each type. You can measure this using a Demon Will Aura Gauge.

To move Demon Will around, simply place a Demon Pylon in any adjacent chunk, and Will will be drawn towards it.


Minimum: 400 Will

Drained: 50 Will

The Pylon will draw in all kinds of will from all adjacent chunks (not including diagonals). Multiple Pylons can be chained in order to transfer Will over larger distances.

If you place a Tartaric Gem inside a Hellfire Forge, it will rapidly absorb Will from the chunk it's in.

With an Aspect of Will in the chunk, such as Raw or Corrosive, and an empty Tartaric Gem, it's possible to fill the Gem with that Aspect.

This lets you modify your Sentient Tools and Sword accordingly. The effects are defined here.

Related Links:

Ritual Tinkerer

Crystallized Will

Aspected Will

Crack of the Fractured Crystal

Resonance of the Faceted Crystal

There's more I can do, I can feel it...

Demon Will Aura Gauge

While in the player's inventory, the Demon Will Aura Gauge will display a HUD element to show how much Demon Will is in the local Aura.

From top to bottom, the measured Will aspects are:

  • Raw
  • Corrosive
  • Steadfast
  • Destructive
  • Vengeful



This gauge will appear in the top left of your screen. The coloured bars will give you a good estimate of how much of each Will Aspect is in the current chunk.

You can sneak to get a numerical value for each Aspect, between 1 and 100 Will for each. 100 is the maximum amount of any one aspect of Will that a chunk can have in it.